Saturday, January 10, 2009

Apparently I'm not a Glass Woman

Glass Woman Prize: sent an electronic submission in July.
December: I'm not on the list of winners or runners up listed on the website.


The only submission I have outstanding right now is for the Phat Girls Anthology. No way of knowing when I will hear back about that. I check on occasion to see if the book itself has been published yet, just so that I can keep my records up to date.

I'm feeling pretty disappointed in myself that I haven't had the time or the energy to submit, let alone do much writing, the last few months. It is definitely a trade. I love teaching, which is what I was doing 48% of the time (48% is the official load number, I really worked much more than that), while filling in the other 62% working in the Writing Center. While I'm the kind of person who can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time, sustained busy-ness tends to exhaust me. So I spent a good portion of the fall happily exhausted.

Spring semester looks more balanced from here. I am, however, working on office space. I NEED a space outside of the house proper to be able to focus and work and avoid the distractions of laundry, dishes, food, phone calls and whining dogs (they are probably the worst distractions; their point of view is that my being home means that I am at their disposal). Case in point: As I am writing this, Teddy is speaking rather harshly to me, awooo-ing and barking to let me know that he wants to go out. Never mind that there is another person in the house, one who is closer to the door Teddy wants to go through.

I'll keep you posted as to when I send something out.

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