Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring Emerging

The essay submission from my last post wasn't accepted for publication. Ah, well. Onward.

I did post a link to an old essay, One Simple List on Facebook that got a little bit of friendly attention. It felt good.

Despite the fairly high level of stress that I am current dealing with (see my other blog Visceral Musings), I am also experiencing a creative emergence of sorts. In the last week I have posted three new blog entries (counting this one), and started a brand new short story. I am also revisiting another short story idea, and am about to dive into a revision of an essay that I wrote earlier this year.

I find myself thinking about writing as I drive or walk between classes, then jumping on my computer to work. It feels darn good, let me tell you. I wonder if I am experiencing a thaw, a renewal of energies, a bit like the spring I see emerging around me.

Hey, no matter how long it lasts, I'll take what I can get.